Respiratory allergies in children, a small matter that is common.

Respiratory allergies are the most common among all allergies. Whether in children or adults Therefore is a problem that parents should pay attention to Especially in the present day, in which the society is more urban, there is a clear problem of pollution. The problem of respiratory allergies is increasing today in both adults and children. Respiratory allergies in children are caused by two major causes, like other allergies: inherited. Is a factor that has been with children since birth If the father or mother has respiratory allergies or other allergies, such as allergic skin rash Children are more likely to have respiratory allergies than normal children without a family history of allergies.The environment is all around children. Whether it is allergens in the air such as dust mites, cockroaches, dogs, cats, pollen or allergens, which are foods such as cow's milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, wheat flour, seafood, or respiratory irritants such as cigarette smoke, incense smoke and various pollution. And respiratory tract infections, such as R. rhinovirus, are all environmental factors that can cause common systemic allergies. Can breathe in childrenThe most common respiratory allergies in children include asthma and allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is an allergy that usually occurs when a child enters infancy. Is more than 2 years old, so patients tend to start symptoms from kindergarten. More >>slotxo